Organization | Dec 19, 2021 | Todd Nickel | 1972 views
CANCELLED: Holiday Hockey Skills
Hello hockey families.
TSH Fellas have had many discussions over the past few days and in light of the
rapid spread of positive COVID-19 cases in the area, we have decided to cancel
the Holiday Skills clinics scheduled for this upcoming week.
Open article to
We apologize for the short notice. We originally attempted to make this decision on Friday, but we were not able to cancel our ice contract with the city. Because we had already paid for the ice, we decided to attempt to run the program with some increased covid protocols, but we have heard from many families this weekend who have children in isolation and others that have at risk family members and/or concerns about attending. Because of this, we made the decision this afternoon that it isn’t worth the risk to run the programs this week. We want all of our families to enjoy a safe holiday season and exposing players to a potential risk that will cause their holidays to be compromised is not situation we want to put are players into.
Our apologies again. Hopefully, one day this world will be back to normal and we can all enjoy hockey and life they way we used to.
Refunds will be issued this coming week. Thank you all for your support.
At this point, we still plan to run the Hurricane Hockey Spring League. Details & registration for the 2022 season will come out in late Jan/Early Feb, so keep an eye on the website and our social feeds for details.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Tim, Chris & Todd